"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog Post # 2

  Lyah Thomas
Skills To Be Learned Part 1
Blog #2 


         I think the skills I would like to acquire from this experience is first, integrating my own ideas along with accurate sources. Last year when I took a writing and rhetoric class, I kind of just found out the difference between a paper and an essay. An essay is kind of a story in a way, depending on whether or not the author decides to use statistics to present a point or an argument. Here we are doing an actual research paper. Not that I have not done a research paper, I just feel like all the "papers" I have done are more like essays and I put more of myself into the paper. Now that we are doing argumentative papers, I feel like I have to make it less personal and take a step back and look at it as an outside perspective. I also have realize that it is not a persuasive paper.
         The second skill is that, I want citing sources to be easier for me. I want to be able to be more confident when I do them. I know they are easy but, when it comes to citations of any kind I get anxiety about the whole writing process. When peer reviewed resources was mentioned in class I was a little nervous because, I had a bad experience with them last semester but, when you explained them in class I felt better about doing those.
   I am not going to lie,when you gave us the topic I was a little afraid and still am. Simply because, it's about food.  WHO IS GOING TO ARGUE ABOUT FOOD?! Then, you started talking about all the things I never think about when it comes to food so, I am a little afraid.
     Lastly, I want learn to blog better. I like this.

Word Count: 304

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