"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog Post # 11

Lyah Thomas
Blog Post #11

Food and Culture Presentations

               I liked everyone's presentation so far, I really do not have a particular favorite. I like Cory and Haley's presentation  on Australia because, I feel that Australia is kind of one those places that everyone thinks they have some sort of idea about just because they know what Vegemite is or because they went to Outback Steakhouse. They used peoples common misconceptions and really added more to them or put them to rest. I really liked the video of the Americans eating the Vegemite.  I liked my presentation because it was kind of simple to do and because it was mine. I had a video clip of the movie Rio 2 because, in the beginning it shows the Brazilian New Years custom of giving the food to the water goddess. Regan and Rachel's presentation was also really good because I had no idea about German food or German culture so they really showed me an idea. I like their version of coffee cake, I guess it was, it is kind of similar to our version of what coffee cake is. Hosanna and Houston was really good, because they kind of expanded on the South American  culture that I guess was I trying to touch on with Peru.  Clarence's presentation was good because, France was also one the countries people think they know. I had no idea they had restrictions for kids and what they eat, like there is no snaking allowed. The Mr. Bean video clip also gave a view of French culture without being rude, it was genuinely funny.  LD's presentation was like Hosanna and Houston's, and touched on the South American countries, and I love that he talked about the Empanadas they are my favorite dish to make.  I liked Jameshea's presentation because, she was so enthusiastic about her country and I could tell that she really researched to find out more about Thailand. I also liked how she went into depth about the food they eat and she did a fabulous job at pronouncing the names. Her video was really good. I liked the fact that the guy was actually in Thailand to try the food and to also get a better understanding of the culture. I also liked that the video had some comedy to it, rather just watching him eat the food which was funny but, to have some extra personality to it. So, good job Jameshea for picking a good video.

*Not that no one else’s video wash’t equally entertaining*
Word Count [416]

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