"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog Post #5

Lyah Thomas

  The purpose of an annotated bibliography is so that you can set up your argument tactfully. As a coach you should know all the strengths and weaknesses of all your players. Think of the paper as the world cup and the sources are your players . Every player has a card and on every card there are stats. (annotated bibliography). Each stat card tells you something about the player (sources), what they're good at, how many games they've played, how many wins etc. Once each player has their stats, that's when you decide who plays and what position or in other words where they should be placed to prove your argument. Now that you have your position or topic, you have to make sure that all your players support your argument and cover the entire field. You want the readers to feel like you know what you are talking about. Just like in coaching, you people to think that your team is the best team there is. Once you have your best players on the field then you have solid foundation, then its GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLL, when it comes to your paper. 
     Every good coach...well researcher uses a annotated bibliography it insures good organiztion and preparation. 

[204 Words]

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