"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog Post #8

Lyah Thomas

            In the TED talk about using science and technology to create leather in meat products by only using the cells of a cow definitely uses all three of the rhetorical appeals more of Ethos and Logos than Pathos. Logos comes in when Andres Forgacs talks about how animals are obviously a necessity to ecosystem. His logic also comes with why using bio genetics is used in this process. First they take the cow and draw out the initial cells, then with that sample they replicate the cells. Once the cells have replicated then they are compacted into these small sheets. Once he explains the process to the audience he has samples thus establishing credibility or Ethos. He gives clues to Ethos by saying words like,"In the lab...." giving the feeling as if this technological advancement is going on as we speak. He uses Pathos a few times. He mentions how this movement will make us more civilized as if painting the picture that we are not civilized human beings.

[Word Count : 169]

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