"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog Post # 4

Lyah Thomas
English 1020
Blog Post #4


   Well for one, I sort of changed my topic. Instead of just focusing on obesity its self, I decided to talk about how food deserts are becoming more apparent in some parts of the country and not everyone knows what a food desert is. A food desert is an area, typically a low-income area, where fresh produce is either non existent or the little produce they do have is low quality and over priced. Once I sort of narrowed done my topic I was getting more sources. One of the source I found was from a doctoral student, Nicolas Larchet. Even though most of the information I found on him was in french, he was in New Orleans during Katrina. He wrote an article in Food, Culture, and Society called "Learning From the Corner Store: Food Reformers and the Black Urban Poor in a Southern US City". This article talks about how when it comes to urban areas the majority of the inhabitants are black and that there are nothing but corner stores in these areas. He also talks about how the economic restrictions basically set their eating appetites, i.e because they are forced to eat what is available and cheap.  
   One article that I found was actually an experimental research article. It is called, "Will Food Desert Consumers Purchase Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?" Since food desert consumers are used to having a low quality of produce having fresh fruits and veggies, the authors conducted a natural experiment to see if they would even buy the items. Some participants claim that constraints like transportation and age keep them from buying the better foods. 
  So far, I think some of the sources I have food will help me in my paper.

[290 Words]

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