"Stupid is as stupid does."
- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog Post # 11

Lyah Thomas
Blog Post #11

Food and Culture Presentations

               I liked everyone's presentation so far, I really do not have a particular favorite. I like Cory and Haley's presentation  on Australia because, I feel that Australia is kind of one those places that everyone thinks they have some sort of idea about just because they know what Vegemite is or because they went to Outback Steakhouse. They used peoples common misconceptions and really added more to them or put them to rest. I really liked the video of the Americans eating the Vegemite.  I liked my presentation because it was kind of simple to do and because it was mine. I had a video clip of the movie Rio 2 because, in the beginning it shows the Brazilian New Years custom of giving the food to the water goddess. Regan and Rachel's presentation was also really good because I had no idea about German food or German culture so they really showed me an idea. I like their version of coffee cake, I guess it was, it is kind of similar to our version of what coffee cake is. Hosanna and Houston was really good, because they kind of expanded on the South American  culture that I guess was I trying to touch on with Peru.  Clarence's presentation was good because, France was also one the countries people think they know. I had no idea they had restrictions for kids and what they eat, like there is no snaking allowed. The Mr. Bean video clip also gave a view of French culture without being rude, it was genuinely funny.  LD's presentation was like Hosanna and Houston's, and touched on the South American countries, and I love that he talked about the Empanadas they are my favorite dish to make.  I liked Jameshea's presentation because, she was so enthusiastic about her country and I could tell that she really researched to find out more about Thailand. I also liked how she went into depth about the food they eat and she did a fabulous job at pronouncing the names. Her video was really good. I liked the fact that the guy was actually in Thailand to try the food and to also get a better understanding of the culture. I also liked that the video had some comedy to it, rather just watching him eat the food which was funny but, to have some extra personality to it. So, good job Jameshea for picking a good video.

*Not that no one else’s video wash’t equally entertaining*
Word Count [416]

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blog Post #9

Lyah Thomas
English 1020
Blog Post #9

Paper Proposal

         The easiest part about this assignment was really putting my ideas down, also it felt like I was finally putting forth the steps to the final paper. The layout of the outline  we did in class really helped with this. I feel more confident in my topic especially with the research and I feel more confident in my paper as a whole. The hardest part about this proposal like I said in the peer tutoring was the whole process of writing the paper but, once I wrote the outline for the proposal it was all pretty easy. Once I wrote out everything, it helped me organize my final paper actually. I thought about what I was going to put in my body paragraphs, pertaining to what articles to use and where to put them.  Overall the proposal helped me get the grasp of what my topic was and what I was arguing.

[152 Words]

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog Post #8

Lyah Thomas

            In the TED talk about using science and technology to create leather in meat products by only using the cells of a cow definitely uses all three of the rhetorical appeals more of Ethos and Logos than Pathos. Logos comes in when Andres Forgacs talks about how animals are obviously a necessity to ecosystem. His logic also comes with why using bio genetics is used in this process. First they take the cow and draw out the initial cells, then with that sample they replicate the cells. Once the cells have replicated then they are compacted into these small sheets. Once he explains the process to the audience he has samples thus establishing credibility or Ethos. He gives clues to Ethos by saying words like,"In the lab...." giving the feeling as if this technological advancement is going on as we speak. He uses Pathos a few times. He mentions how this movement will make us more civilized as if painting the picture that we are not civilized human beings.

[Word Count : 169]

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog Post #5

Lyah Thomas

  The purpose of an annotated bibliography is so that you can set up your argument tactfully. As a coach you should know all the strengths and weaknesses of all your players. Think of the paper as the world cup and the sources are your players . Every player has a card and on every card there are stats. (annotated bibliography). Each stat card tells you something about the player (sources), what they're good at, how many games they've played, how many wins etc. Once each player has their stats, that's when you decide who plays and what position or in other words where they should be placed to prove your argument. Now that you have your position or topic, you have to make sure that all your players support your argument and cover the entire field. You want the readers to feel like you know what you are talking about. Just like in coaching, you people to think that your team is the best team there is. Once you have your best players on the field then you have solid foundation, then its GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLL, when it comes to your paper. 
     Every good coach...well researcher uses a annotated bibliography it insures good organiztion and preparation. 

[204 Words]

Blog Post # 4

Lyah Thomas
English 1020
Blog Post #4


   Well for one, I sort of changed my topic. Instead of just focusing on obesity its self, I decided to talk about how food deserts are becoming more apparent in some parts of the country and not everyone knows what a food desert is. A food desert is an area, typically a low-income area, where fresh produce is either non existent or the little produce they do have is low quality and over priced. Once I sort of narrowed done my topic I was getting more sources. One of the source I found was from a doctoral student, Nicolas Larchet. Even though most of the information I found on him was in french, he was in New Orleans during Katrina. He wrote an article in Food, Culture, and Society called "Learning From the Corner Store: Food Reformers and the Black Urban Poor in a Southern US City". This article talks about how when it comes to urban areas the majority of the inhabitants are black and that there are nothing but corner stores in these areas. He also talks about how the economic restrictions basically set their eating appetites, i.e because they are forced to eat what is available and cheap.  
   One article that I found was actually an experimental research article. It is called, "Will Food Desert Consumers Purchase Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?" Since food desert consumers are used to having a low quality of produce having fresh fruits and veggies, the authors conducted a natural experiment to see if they would even buy the items. Some participants claim that constraints like transportation and age keep them from buying the better foods. 
  So far, I think some of the sources I have food will help me in my paper.

[290 Words]

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog Post # 3

Lyah Thomas
Paper Topics
Blog #3


       I chose for my topic, somewhere on the lines of childhood obesity.Whose fault is it type of paper. I am going in the direction of that everyone is sort of responsible. Every human being on Earth is an influence. Kids these days pay attention to everything including what is being eaten around them. I decided on this topic because I have a 3 year old nephew. When he was about 2 he was spending the summer with me and I gave him bottled water. He made the nastiest and child could make. Do you know why he rejected the water? Because he wasn't getting water at home. Ever. He often drinks juice, microwaveable meats, and frozen vegetables. He never really chews his food and his poop is SUUUUUUUPEEEEER disgusting. The parents reasoning was, since they don't like water, the kid isn't going to drink water. 
      Another reason why I wanted to do this topic is because I worked at a birthday party place for little kids and the party is at a set price. The kids get a cake, two or three boxes of pizza (Chicago pizza), and juice pouches. The adults get the 75 dollar fruit and vegetable tray from Whole Foods and water.Being that this a price that families pay for they get to have as much as they want but, it is mostly the kids who as for more pizza and cake. What kid is not going to ask for more pizza and cake? Why can't they have fruit and vegetables too? We are all an influence.

Word Count 260

Blog Post # 2

  Lyah Thomas
Skills To Be Learned Part 1
Blog #2 


         I think the skills I would like to acquire from this experience is first, integrating my own ideas along with accurate sources. Last year when I took a writing and rhetoric class, I kind of just found out the difference between a paper and an essay. An essay is kind of a story in a way, depending on whether or not the author decides to use statistics to present a point or an argument. Here we are doing an actual research paper. Not that I have not done a research paper, I just feel like all the "papers" I have done are more like essays and I put more of myself into the paper. Now that we are doing argumentative papers, I feel like I have to make it less personal and take a step back and look at it as an outside perspective. I also have realize that it is not a persuasive paper.
         The second skill is that, I want citing sources to be easier for me. I want to be able to be more confident when I do them. I know they are easy but, when it comes to citations of any kind I get anxiety about the whole writing process. When peer reviewed resources was mentioned in class I was a little nervous because, I had a bad experience with them last semester but, when you explained them in class I felt better about doing those.
   I am not going to lie,when you gave us the topic I was a little afraid and still am. Simply because, it's about food.  WHO IS GOING TO ARGUE ABOUT FOOD?! Then, you started talking about all the things I never think about when it comes to food so, I am a little afraid.
     Lastly, I want learn to blog better. I like this.

Word Count: 304